PP95074 2013 Pixar Mystery Collection- Finding Nemo- Bruce, Marlin, and Dory
Pin Stats
- Origin: Multiple
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2013
- SKU:
- Original Price: $16.95/box
- Owns: 23
- Wanting: 15
- Trading: 2
Front Description
This pin, part of the Pixar Mystery Collection, features Bruce, Marlin, and Dory from Disney Pixar's Finding Nemo. Marlin and Dory are hugging each other with scared looks as Bruce smiles with his big, sharp teeth. This is the bottom-left piece of the Finding Nemo puzzle. When all the pins are put together, a scuba diving mask is formed. The back has a shiny silver back & is stamped 'Limited Release'.
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