PP91731 WDW - Hades - Hercules - Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom - Mystery
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2012
- SKU: 400006879035
- Original Price: $ 13.95/2
- Owns: 102
- Wanting: 27
- Trading: 25
Front Description
This pin features the villain Hades (Hercules) from the Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom Mystery Pin Collection. Each mystery box contains 2 random pins featuring the villains from the WDW Magic Kingdom Trading Card Game. Box #93532, Cruella #91730, Hades #91731, Yzma #91732, Maleficent/Diablo #91733, Ursula/Flotsam/Jetsam #91734, Dr Facilier #91735, Chernabog #91736 Jafar #91737, Scar #91738, Ratcliffe #91739
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