PP89766 WDW - 2011 Hidden Mickey Completer Pin - Retro Icon Collection - Pleasure Island Moon (PWP)
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2012
- SKU:
- Original Price: $2.95 When You Spend
- Owns: 115
- Wanting: 22
- Trading: 18
Front Description
This pin is the completer to a 2011 Retro Icon hidden mickey set. Funmeister (Pleasure Island icon) is a yellow half moon with a red eyebrow and a blue eye. There is a silver hidden mickey at the bottom. This pin is $2.95 when you spend $30.00 or more. On the back it says. Hidden Mickey Pin/Completer Pin Authentic Official Disney Parks Pin Trading 2011 Disney China. There is metal not cut out between nose and top lip and in the mouth.
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