PP89547 Aladdin's Jafar with Arms Outstretched in Shrug
Pin Stats
- Origin: Multiple
- Limited Edition: Open
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- Owns: 3
- Wanting: 5
- Trading: 0
Front Description
Jafar stands forward, turned slightly to the right on this design, with arms extended in a shrug. He is dressed in his traditional outfit of black with maroon red sleeves, orange lining to his robe and yellow detail at the neck. Aladdin's villain is similar in pose to (#964) except the bottom of the turban is black instead of orange. It is also quite similar to (#74031) with the exception of the copyright. The pin measaure 1 1/8" (30 mm) wide by 1 5/8" (41 mm) tall. The reverse has "© DISNEY, CHINA" with single post.
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