PP8937 Grenada Grenadines Stamp - Lady and the Tramp
Pin Stats
- Origin: DIS - Disney Store / Shop Disney
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 1987-1999
- SKU:
- Original Price: $
- Owns: 6
- Wanting: 15
- Trading: 1
Front Description
A stamp pin from Grenada/Grenadine featuring Lady and the Tramp, as well as one of their female puppies. Purple background with Lady and the Tramp gazing at each other. Tramp has a bit of holy in his color. In between the is a female puppy that looks just like Lady in a box. Definitely a christmas theme to the stamp. Pin made by Jonathan-Grey Associates Santa Ana, CA The sideways text on the right says: (C) MCMLXXIX Walt Disney Productions This makes the production date of this pin 1979
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