PP8563 MGM Motor Parade The Little Mermaid
Pin Stats
- Origin:
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2001
- SKU: 400109692579
- Original Price: $10.50
- Owns: 62
- Wanting: 46
- Trading: 5
Front Description
This is one a series of rack pins released at WDW to commemorate the Disney ~ MGM Stars and Motor Cars Parade. Each pin has characters from various Disney animated movies. They are riding in a car designed just for their particular movie. All the wheels spin. This one is from the Little Mermaid and features Ariel. She is riding in a car perfect for someone from the sea. The car body is painted like seaweed, the hood ornament is a seahorse, and the very back of the car has a large pink oyster shell on it. Next to the door is flounder. Released: Dec. 7, 2001 Retail: $10.50
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