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PP8511     DL - Donald, Mickey Goofy, Pluto - Disneyland Believe in Holiday Magic - Light-up

DL - Donald, Mickey Goofy, Pluto - Disneyland Believe in Holiday Magic - Light-up

Pin Stats

  • Origin: DL - Disneyland California
  • Limited Edition: 3600
  • Year on Pin / Released: 2001
  • SKU: 400005325151   
  • Original Price: $ $12.50
  • Owns: 28
  • Wanting: 8
  • Trading: 8

Front Description

Here is the latest Believe in Holiday Magic pin released on December 08, 2001. This light-up shows Mickey, Donald, Goofy and Pluto playing in the snow while fireworks explode overhead and snowflakes fall from the sky. There are three lights in the pin, one for each of the fireworks shells, yellow, green and red. There are 2 white snowflakes on either side of the characters. At the bottom is a white area with a light blue border. Inside the white area, and slightly overlapping the characters feet is the word "Believe..." in red. Below that is the words "In Holiday Magic". At the bottom, on top of the blue border, in red is "Disneyland". Donald is wearing a green sweater with a red scarf and hat. Mickey is wearing a red sweater and blue pants with a green scarf. Goofy is wearing blue pants, a red sweater, a green scarf and a red cap with a yello pom on top. Pluto is wearing a red color. The pin is 1 1/2" tall by 1 5/8" wide. Note: The batteries are not replaceable on this pin. Flasher is on about a 15 ~ 20 second will not flash indefinitely.

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