PP8323 TDR - Mickey & Donald Duck - Opening Day - Felt - 2 Pin Set - TDL
Pin Stats
- Origin: Japan - (TDL, JDS, JDR, TDS, TDR)
- Limited Edition: -1
- Year on Pin / Released:
- SKU:
- Original Price:
- Owns: 0
- Wanting: 8
- Trading: 0
Front Description
These are fairly big, 2 1/2" across & 3 3/4" tall. Made of felt with hard backing inside and each pin/badge has the old fashioned pin clasp. The heads of Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse are made of hard plastic but all the rest is embroidered. Only Donald has an inscription which is "The Kingdom of Dreams and Magic" and the date since 1983. Both Mickey and Donald have Tokyo Disneyland and Walt Disney Company embroidered. I have seen those two pin/badges in Stovell's where it says that these were pin/badges worn by cast members at the opening of Tokyo Disneyland.
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