PP791 Disney Gallery - Snowman Mickey Ears
Pin Stats
- Origin: Other
- Limited Edition: LE 2500
- Year on Pin / Released: 2000
- SKU:
- Original Price: $
- Owns: 21
- Wanting: 8
- Trading: 4
Front Description
This pin was sold at the Disney Gallery the Christmas after the first one opened in Santa Ana, Calif. It is a limited addition according the red card it came on. I'm not sure but I think it was an edition of 2,500. Las Vegas also carried them, but I think it predated the New York store. A white snow man is on left, with yellow scarf and three black buttons on it. It wears a red hat with Mickey ears on it. Behind the snowman and to the right is a dark green rectangle at an angle, with "The WALT DISNEY GALLERY" in black or dark silver on a white oval. The pin measures 1 5/8" (41 mm) wide by 1 1/4" (32 mm) tall. The backstamp is, "© DISNEY."
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