PP787 WDW - Epcot Flower & Garden Festival - 1999 (Yellow Dangle)
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 1987-1999
- SKU: 00191817423
- Original Price: $ $8.00
- Owns: 17
- Wanting: 11
- Trading: 3
Front Description
This pin was issued to commemorate the annual EPCOT Flower and Garden Show at WDW for 1999. Possibly in anticipation to the emphasis on pin trading, they jazzed up the pin this year by changing the artwork and making it a dangle pin. The pin says "EPCOT International Flower and Garden Festival April 16 - May 30 1999" with the 1999 being the "dangle". It has a yellow background and came on a pale teal card.
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