PP75552 HKDL - Marie with Hearts & Shop
Pin Stats
- Origin: HKDL - Disney Hong Kong
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released:
- SKU: 00400001492451
- Original Price: HK$60
- Owns: 9
- Wanting: 27
- Trading: 1
Front Description
This pin features Marie from The Aristocrats. Marie , wearing her pink bow, is a pin-on-pin -- the pin is black with a shop outlined displaying various clothes and accessories. Next to the shop is a tree and there are two pink hearts above the shop. There are two jewels on the pin. Hong Kong Disneyland is written across the bottom. .... (Note: this pin is similar to #71659 but there is no "silver frame" and HKDL is written across the bottom rather than the top.)
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