PP75520 DS - Jumbo Film Frame Series - The Rescuers
Pin Stats
- Origin: DS - Disney Shopping
- Limited Edition: LE 300
- Year on Pin / Released: 2010
- SKU: 507450P
- Original Price: $18.95
- Owns: 20
- Wanting: 25
- Trading: 5
Front Description
Who will rescue our Jumbo Film Frame The Rescuers Penny Pin? Two brave little mice will have to risk everything to find this precious portrait of orphan Penny and her teddy in your Disney pin collection! One in a series of jumbo Disney pins reproducing classic movie moments in a film frame Enamel cloisonné Gold finish Kickstand back 2½" W Imported Concept art shown Pins in this series: #75520, #75811, #76020, #76183, #76337, #76679, #76777, #76858.
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