PP75284 Toddler Tinker Bell - 7 Pin Set
Pin Stats
- Origin: Multiple
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2009
- SKU: 40000183640
- Original Price: $ $29.95
- Owns: 28
- Wanting: 6
- Trading: 2
Front Description
This pin set features the adorable toddler Tinker Bell in an array of 7 different pins. The pin set includes the four toddler Tinker Bell pins released in PinPics set #55561 along with three new pins. The complete Toddler Tinker Bell 7 Pin Set includes: Pin #55967, Tink with Wand Only; Pin #55968, Tink with Arms Folded Only; Pin #56332, Tink Pouting Only; and Pin #56333, Tink w/ Butterfly Only, all from the Toddler Tinker Bell 4 Mini Pin Boxed Set; and three additional pins including: Pin #75285, Tink Kneeling Only; Pin #75287, Tink Flying Away Only; and Pin #75286, Tink Sitting Only. The SKUs for the Toddler Tinker Bell 7 pin Set are DLR SKU-40012336389 and WDW SKU 40000183640 - This set originally came in a box and later versions were changed to a card. Set #75284, #55967, #55968, #56332, #56333, #75285, #75286, #75287
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