PP75072 2010 WDI I.D Badge Lenticular - Mickey Mouse
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDI - Walt Disney Imagineering
- Limited Edition: LE 300
- Year on Pin / Released: 2010
- SKU:
- Original Price: $9.95
- Owns: 11
- Wanting: 16
- Trading: 5
Front Description
This the first WDI ID Badge of the new 2010 set is none other than Mickey Mouse This pin features the WDI I.D Badge for Mickey Mouse. It is a blue badge 2" by 2 1/2" reads Walt Disney Imagineering (R) for his name it is Mickey's signature, the 2010 year sticker is Brown. Mickey is facing to the right with his hands in his pocket, he is in classic attire red shorts white gloves Since only the pre-production picture is out it is not know what is the Lenticular part The back is stamped with 2010 pin trading logo. LE 300 WDI Exclusive.
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