PP75008 DL - Trading Bag - Haunted Mansion O'Pin House
Pin Stats
- Origin: DL - Disneyland California
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2009
- SKU: 16033984
- Original Price: $ $26.95
- Owns: 11
- Wanting: 7
- Trading: 1
Front Description
During Disney Summer Pin Festival 2009 - Haunted Mansion® O'Pin House Disney sold a four pin set that included a Limited Release pin bag. The Pin Bag featured the Hat Box Ghost. The bag and its print is in all black with a black version of the wall paper that decorates the inside of The Haunted Mansion, on top of the wall paper print is the O'Pin House Logo with a better view of the Hat Box Ghost. He is holding his Hat Box with his Left hand. The inside of the bag has 3 small Pages for your pins with a protective cloth in between each of the pages. It also has a small Zipper Pouch at the vary back. The Zipper on the outside has attached a dangle of The Hat Box Ghost. Set #70072, Welcome #70867, Deed #70866, Sold #70865, Bat Key #70864, Trading Bag #75008
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