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PP73152     Button - DS Europe - Kermit - 8 Button Set - Kermit (not in centre) on green background only

Button - DS Europe - Kermit - 8 Button Set - Kermit (not in centre) on green background only

Pin Stats

  • Origin:
  • Limited Edition: Open
  • Year on Pin / Released: 2008
  • SKU: 415055689566   
  • Original Price: 4€/set
  • Owns: 2
  • Wanting: 1
  • Trading: 0

Front Description

Part of the set 73147. Green background. There is the mention "Green & Loving it!" Kermit is coming out of a circle and waves his right hand. He's not in the centre of the button. Copyright: (c)Muppets Holding Company LLC. All Rights Reserved

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