PP71376 DLR - Goofy and Max - Matterhorn Bobsleds - Chills and Thrills - Bobleds Error - GWP
Pin Stats
- Origin: DL - Disneyland California
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2009
- SKU: 16492842
- Original Price: $ GWP
- Owns: 33
- Wanting: 22
- Trading: 7
Front Description
One of six pins specially designed for Disneyland Resort's monthly MATTERHORN BOBSLEDS "Gift with Purchase Sunday" promotion. Each shaped pin features a different Disney character exploring the Matterhorn Bobsleds attraction in Fantasyland. Pins were released the first Sunday of each month from July to December 2009. There was a cardstock map, also available as GWP, which served as a background illustration for the collection. Each pin had a certain place on the map. Starting 2 Aug 2009, for every purchase of $25 or more (before taxes) on pins and/or pin accessories, guests received this pin as a gift. These were available at participating pin-purchasing locations throughout Disneyland, but only while supplies lasted. NOTE: These pins were pulled Aug. 3rd due to the spelling error. "Bobsleds" was misspelled "Bobleds", as shown in the picture. There was no re-issue of corrected pins. This pin features Goofy and Max enjoying a breathtaking ride down the icy slopes of Disneyland's majestic Matterhorn Mountain. Prominent colors are red, white, and sky-blue with some tan and black. The black sign hanging at the bottom reads CHILLS AND THRILLS. The red scroll above it reads "Matterhorn Bobleds". 71375, 70868, 71376, 72413, 72678, 73708, 74149
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