PP6862 Ariel Figural Pin - 'Gold'
Pin Stats
- Origin: DCL - Cruise Line
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released:
- SKU:
- Original Price:
- Owns: 6
- Wanting: 12
- Trading: 2
Front Description
Small (3/4 inch high) sculpted figural pin of Ariel (from "The Little Mermaid") in gold-tone metal. She is in mermaid form, "standing" with right hand behind her head, left hand on her hip, and the end of her tail bent back behind her. No color has been applied, but there is some sort of wash to make the features stand out. The pin does have a post & cluch fastener and "© DISNEY" on the back of the tail. I was told recently that this pin is from the Disney Cruse Line. Available in three tones/colors/metals: Gold: Pin 6862 Silver: Pin 6863 Bronze: Pin 9558
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