PP66752 DS - Mickey Mouse, Horace Horsecollar - 80th Anniversary - The Plowboy
Pin Stats
- Origin: DS - Disney Shopping
- Limited Edition: LE 100
- Year on Pin / Released: 2008
- SKU:
- Original Price: $ 139.00/set
- Owns: 5
- Wanting: 3
- Trading: 2
Front Description
Part of Pin Set 66737 sold by Disney Shopping.com. This is for the The Plow Boy - with Horace Horsecollar (1929) pin only. Happy Birthday, Mickey! Farmer Mickey whistles while holding the plow pulled by Horace the horse. This pin features the number 80 coloured in green. Imported, Enamel cloisonné, Gold finish. Size: approx. 2 1/2" H. Set includes 6 pins featuring Mickey Mouse in these famous roles: #66751 Steamboat Willie (1928), #66752 The Plow Boy with Horace Horsecollar (1929), #66753 The Story of Mickey Mouse (from The Mickey Mouse Book) w/ Walt Disney (1930), #66754 Mickey's Fire Brigade (1935), #66755 - Mickey's Polo Team on Horse (1936), #66756 The R'coon Dawg (1951)
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