PP6389 Mickey - Clean Room Club - Kids' Award Club
Pin Stats
- Origin: Multiple
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2001
- SKU:
- Original Price: $ $6.50
- Owns: 38
- Wanting: 7
- Trading: 12
Front Description
One of 10 Kids' Club Award pins released at both Disneyland or during the Pin Event that took place at EPCOT on August 9-12, 2001. All pins, plus the Illustrated Card/Completer pin pack, were available for separate purchase. This is the "CLEAN ROOM CLUB" pin. It shows Mickey Mouse holding a broom behind his back, and a hanger with his red shorts to the left side of him. On the trash can to the right of Mickey, there is a gold outline of a Hidden Mickey. It is a circular pin with a purple border around it that reads "CLEAN ROOM CLUB" at the top and "OFFICIAL MEMBER" on the bottom, separated by three stars on each side. Approximately 1.3125 inches in diameter. 6388 Best Behavior Award 6389 Clean Room Club 6390 Best Reader Award 6391 Clean Plate Club 6442 Super Student Award 6471 Tooth Brushing Award 6501 Good Manners Award 6547 Helping Hand Award 6548 Good Sport Award 9076 Completer
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