PP61055 WDW - Orange Ears - Its A Small World - Mystery
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
- Limited Edition: 1600
- Year on Pin / Released: 2008
- SKU: 10906290
- Original Price: $ 25.00/4
- Owns: 63
- Wanting: 3
- Trading: 17
Front Description
Inspired by the "it's a small world" attraction, this pin collection features children from around the world wearing Mickey Mouse ears. This pin features a girl with orange ears. This pin is part of the "it's a small world" Kids with Mouse Ears Mystery Tin Collection Set #61046, Tin #64821, Black Ears #61047, Blue Ears #61048, Sparkle/Red Ears #61049, Teal Ears #61050, Yellow Ears #61052, Sparkle/Blue Ears #61053, Sparkle/Green Ears #61054, Orange Ears#61055, Dark Pink #61056, Purple Ears #61057
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