PP6100 DL - Tigger and Winnie the Pooh - Mystery
Pin Stats
- Origin: DL - Disneyland California
- Limited Edition: 1200
- Year on Pin / Released: 2001
- SKU: 400004473006
- Original Price: $ 6.50
- Owns: 31
- Wanting: 14
- Trading: 5
Front Description
Released at the Gag Factory in ToonTown, here is Tigger leaning on Pooh's head. This is identical to an earlier release in the 100 Acre Wood collection. It is 'cloisonné' as opposed to epoxy, but the pose is the same. Similar pose to #2497. Similar pose: 2497. Series: Sorcerer Hat, Pooh Chalkboard, Mickey Guitar, Jiminy, Classic Mickey, Mickey Dancing Guitar, Simba & Nala, Pooh & Plane, Hula Minnie, Pooh & Tigger, Mickey Shorts, Blue Mickey, Minnie Heart, Mickey All Ages, Mickey "M", Mickey Thumb, Dancing Mickey, Mickey & Castle #5251, #5339, #5458, #5483, #5576, #5727, #5801. #5866, #6020, #6100, #6144, #6347, #6466. #6346, #6576, #6818, #6952, #7067
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