PP46987 DS - Jack Skellington and Zero - Nightmare Before Christmas - Lanyard, Pin and Medallion
Pin Stats
- Origin: DS - Disney Shopping
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2005
- SKU: 96036
- Original Price: $ 18.95/set
- Owns: 1
- Wanting: 6
- Trading: 1
Front Description
Getting into the spirit of a whole new holiday, Pumpkin King Jack Skellington shows off his menacing Christmas grin on the silver-finished medallion presented on a black lanyard, which is covered in a Jack print pattern. Also included is a handsome silver-finished pin spotlighting Zero who's stepped into the role of reindeer. These characters are from Tim Burtons 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'. Medallion 2 3/4'' H. Lanyard 40''. Pin 1 1/4'' H Enamel cloisonné. These characters are featured as part of the DLR Haunted Mansion Holiday. Set #46987, Zero #46988, Medallion #
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