PP46845 Bootleg - Philips - Euro Disney (Sponsor) Arthus Bertrand
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- Limited Edition: Open
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- Owns: 4
- Wanting: 0
- Trading: 1
Front Description
This pin is a different version of #1856. It is from Disneyland Paris back when it was still called "Euro Disney", it is from their corp. sponsor "Philips". This version has a pink background like #1856, but on this one the writing is all silver. The castle is the same purple, but the right side only says "Euro Disney". The rectangle at the bottom is the same blue background, with the same gold text that say's "Philips partenaire officiel" The back has the (C)Disney and Arthus Bertrand Paris Similar to #1856 *Please note* Arthus Bertrand never made this type of pin.
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