PP46816 Angry Donald Duck with Chip 'n' Dale
Pin Stats
- Origin: HKDL - Disney Hong Kong
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2006
- SKU:
- Original Price:
- Owns: 2
- Wanting: 7
- Trading: 0
Front Description
This is a round pin which is 1.2 diameters. There are 12 other pins in the set. This pin features Donald trying to use his camera and Chip and Dale just won't let him. Dale is in the tree making faces at him and Chip is on his head. Donald is not very happy with either of them. Pins also in the set are: 46759, 46760, 46761, 46810, 46813, 46814, 46815, 46816, 46817, 46818, 46819, 46820
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