PP46765 DS - Fairy Godmother and Cinderelle - Mother's Day
Pin Stats
- Origin: DS - Disney Shopping
- Limited Edition: LE 250
- Year on Pin / Released: 2006
- SKU: 96449
- Original Price: $ 12.95
- Owns: 11
- Wanting: 18
- Trading: 0
Front Description
Cinderella and her Fairy Godmother share a magical Mother's Day on this lovely silver-finished character pin, one in a series that celebrates Mother's Day with a few of our favorite characters. Cinderella, dressed in her rags dress, stands with Fairy Godmother. Cinderella is holding a basket with a bow containing fruit. Pin 1 7/8'' H. Enamel cloisonné. Fairy Godmother/Cinderella #46765, Peter/Wendy/Tinker Bell #46766, Minnie #46769
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