PP46732 Disney Auctions - Stitch Mechanical Tiki (Movement/Jumbo) Black Artist Proof
Pin Stats
- Origin: Disney Auctions
- Limited Edition: -1
- Year on Pin / Released:
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- Original Price:
- Owns: 0
- Wanting: 4
- Trading: 0
Front Description
Black Artist Proof of pin 34801. Appearing alternately as a raygun-toting alien and an earthbound Elvis impersonator, Stitch plays peek-a-boo behind a large tiki altar fashioned in his image on this multilayered gold-finished jumbo pin with mechanical movement. It's a Disney Auctions exclusive in a limited edition of 500 fixed-price pins, available only from Disney's Purchase It Now Store at DisneyAuctions.com. The tiki is purple and there is a torch with flames on either side of it. SIZE: approx. 2.125" x 3"
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