PP46634 Disney Auctions - Stitch in Amsterdam, Holland (Gold Artist Proof)
Pin Stats
- Origin: Disney Auctions
- Limited Edition: -1
- Year on Pin / Released:
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- Original Price:
- Owns: 0
- Wanting: 3
- Trading: 0
Front Description
Gold Artist Proof of pin 36136. Against the backdrop of a windmill, little Dutch boy Stitch is on his best behavior on this charming gold-finished character pin paying tribute to Amsterdam, Holland. It's a Disney Auctions exclusive in a limited edition of 250 fixed-price pins, available only from Disney's Purchase It Now Store at DisneyAuctions.com. Round shaped pin with background in shades of purple. Stitch has his hands behind his back. He is wearing a blue vest and Dutch shoes or clogs. He has a cap/hat on his head and there is a windmill in the background. SIZE: approx. 2" diameter
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