PP46347 DCL - Artist Choice April 2006 (Donald Carrying Surfboard)
Pin Stats
- Origin: DCL - Cruise Line
- Limited Edition: LE 750
- Year on Pin / Released: 2006
- SKU: 400109349589
- Original Price: $12.95
- Owns: 35
- Wanting: 15
- Trading: 11
Front Description
Disney Cruise Line Artist Choice for April 2006 features Donald Duck. Donald is carrying a surfboard on the beach and is pin on pin. Behind him is the Disney ship and the ocean. Limited to 750 pins, 375 released on the Disney Magic and 375 released on the Disney Wonder. ******** Be advised that there are unauthorized versions of this pin in the pin community, being sold directly from China to individuals not associated with Disney. No one can guarantee the authenticity of this pin unless it was purchased directly from Disney. ********
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