PP44475 WDW - Animal Kingdom Montage
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2005?
- SKU: 4 00113 42389 2
- Original Price: $1.00
- Owns: 2
- Wanting: 3
- Trading: 0
Front Description
A montage of attractions and animals from Animal Kingdom are on this blue rectangular pin. There are birds, a tiger, sebra, dinosaurs, elephant, giraffes, rhino, lion and crocodile thorughout, plus some boats from the Kali River Rapids, and two safari vehicles. Though no date is shown, the fact that Mt. Everest is behind the Tree of Life suggests it is a more recent release. The pin measures 2 1/8" (54 mm) wide by 3 1/8" (79 mm) tall. On the bottom edge is © DISNEY.
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