PP44375 Disney Auctions - Stitch as Abraham Lincoln on Penny Jumbo
Pin Stats
- Origin: Disney Auctions
- Limited Edition: LE 100
- Year on Pin / Released: 2006
- SKU: DA26800
- Original Price: $40.00
- Owns: 12
- Wanting: 47
- Trading: 1
Front Description
Stitch stands in for America's 16th president on this freshly minted copper-finished character pin, a Disney Auctions exclusive in a limited edition of 100 jumbo pins. This pin looks like a United States Penny. Stitch has a beard and is wearing a top hat/ stove pipe hat. The words Liberty are on the left hand side of the pin. In the lower right hand side it says 2002 and the has the letter L underneath that. SIZE: approx. 2.875" diameter
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