PP34976 DCL - Pin Trading Under The Sea - Boat Builders, Not! (Goofy)
Pin Stats
- Origin: DCL - Cruise Line
- Limited Edition: LE 300
- Year on Pin / Released: 2003
- SKU: 0010979241
- Original Price: $85 for set
- Owns: 12
- Wanting: 12
- Trading: 1
Front Description
This rectangular pin is part of a 5-pin boxed set sold at the "Pin Trading Under the Sea Pin Event" (complete set is #26779). The pin shows Goofy, left looking right, with his upper body sticking out of a ship steel-gray and gold smokestack. A gold boat whistle is to the right. A line of light-blue water is at the pin's base. Goofy is dressed in a white sailor outfit, with red and blue sash and his trademark orange hat with blue stripe. He is smiling, looking up and to the right. The pin measures 1 3/4" (4.4 cm) by 1 3/4"(4.4 cm). Other pins in the set include (#34973), (#34974),(#34975) and (#34977).
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