PP34854 Celebrate the Future Land to Land (Framed Pin Set) - Sleeping Beauty Castle
Pin Stats
- Origin:
- Limited Edition: LE 2000
- Year on Pin / Released: 2000
- SKU:
- Original Price: $125.00 Set
- Owns: 3
- Wanting: 17
- Trading: 0
Front Description
This is Disneyland's Sleeping Beauty Castle from The Celebrate the Future Land to Land Framed Pin Set Pinpics #10385. It is a gold toned pin and says (C) Disney on the back. It is 1 1/4" tall and 1 5/8" at the base. As with all the pins in this set, this does not have an actual pin back to it (assumed to make it easier for Disney to package it in the set). It was marketed by Disney as a pin set. Also from this set #33287, #34021, #34852, #34853, #34854.
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