PP34830 Disney Auctions - Jessica Rabbit with Santa Hat on DA Logo (GWP)
Pin Stats
- Origin: Disney Auctions
- Limited Edition: LE 100
- Year on Pin / Released: 2004
- SKU: DK00005
- Original Price: Gift
- Owns: 8
- Wanting: 39
- Trading: 2
Front Description
Jessica Rabbit wears a Santa hat with a bow and mistletoe, a white garter, and purple opera gloves on this black-metal character pin, a Disney Auctions exclusive in a limited edition of 100 gift-with-purchase pins. She is celebrating Christmas. Bottom of pin reads "DisneyAuctions.com" on a white cloud background. One of a series of 14 pins given as a gift with purchase during Disney Auctions "Pin-a-Palooza" during November/December 2004 including: 34828, 34829, 34830, 34832, 34833, 34834, 34835, 34836, 34837, 34838, 34839, 34840, 34841 & 34842.
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