PP34771 A Villainous Voyage Life Preserver - Lady Tremaine
Pin Stats
- Origin: DCL - Cruise Line
- Limited Edition: LE 500
- Year on Pin / Released: 2004
- SKU: 109111432
- Original Price: Gift
- Owns: 20
- Wanting: 11
- Trading: 5
Front Description
This is one of the 5 pins in the boxed set given as a gift for being part of the Villainous Voyage. It is a life preserver with Lady Tremaine from Cinderella. On the right side are 3 claw marks, which appear on each pin and the box lid. SET #34672, Chernabog #34767, Maleficent #34768, Hades #34769, Captain Hook #34770, Lady Tremaine #34771 *NOTE* "Kim" and the names on the back of the other 4 pins in this set are managers with Special Events.
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