PP34746 WDW - Lights Camera Pins! #23 - Movie Clapboard Pin Set (Pinocchio and Jiminy)
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
- Limited Edition: LE 300
- Year on Pin / Released: 2004
- SKU: 400109350622
- Original Price: $55.00 / set
- Owns: 10
- Wanting: 10
- Trading: 3
Front Description
This pin was part of a three pin set from the Lights Camera Pins event at the Disney MGM Studios. It features Pinocchio and Jiminy Cricket. Pinocchio is sitting with a clapboard between his legs which reads "Walt Disney's Pinocchio and the Date of 1940". Jiminy is standing atop the clapboard with his signature red umbrella in hand, arms extended, and both characters are smiling at one another. There is a blue background with white stars above.
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