PP34704 DL - Flotsam and Jetsam - Little Mermaid - GWP - Map
Pin Stats
- Origin: DL - Disneyland California
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2004
- SKU: 8734486
- Original Price: $ GWP
- Owns: 69
- Wanting: 23
- Trading: 18
Front Description
This Gift with Purchase pin features Ursula's sidekick eels, Flotsam and Jetsam, and is the 6th pin in the Little Mermaid Series. This pin is available with each $15.00 purchase of pins, excluding accessories. Map #31487, Ariel #31438, Ursula #31770, King Triton #32287, Sebastian #33130, Flounder #33926, Flotsam/Jetsam #34704
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