PP34496 DLR - Mickey - Kite - Cast Lanyard Series 3
Pin Stats
- Origin: DL - Disneyland California
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2004
- SKU:
- Original Price: $ Trade only
- Owns: 146
- Wanting: 26
- Trading: 20
Front Description
It has Mickey Mouse on a kite. The pin itself is shaped like a kite. The colors are yellow and red with Mickey's face on it. Pins in the DLR CLS Kite Series include: #34255, #34496, #34497, #34498, #34499, #34500. One Member adds: The scrapper version of this pin is very similar. Look at the pupil of his eye. If it is metal color instead of black it is most certainly a scrapper. I do not have this one in front of me to list other variations but I remember that. The gold metal is slightly lighter in coloring and the pin is an ever so slightly bit lighter in weight and heft.
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