PP32388 WDW - Minnies - Flowers - Tin - Mystery - Collection
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
- Limited Edition: Undefined
- Year on Pin / Released: 2004
- SKU: 10906262
- Original Price: $ 24.00/4
- Owns: 5
- Wanting: 6
- Trading: 0
Front Description
These pins were sold in sets of 4. Members can trade the tins which might contain any 4 of the pins pictured above. Each sealed tin contains 4 randomly selected "Minnie's Flowers" pins. Each style of pin has a varying edition size ranging from 300 to 3000. Guests were unable to open the sealed tin until after the tin had been purchased. At that time, Guests could look inside their tin to see which 4 "Minnie's Flowers" pins they received. Once the seal had been broken, the sets could not be returned. Set #32388, Tin #59807, Anemone LE 300 #32389, Baby Breath LE 500 #32390, Mimosa LE 500 #32391, Gentians LE 1000 #32392, Hibiscus LE 1000 #32393, Tulip LE 1000 #32394, Gerbera LE 2000 #32395, Rose LE 2000 #32396, Kalmias LE 3000 #32397, Lily/Valley LE 3000 #32398, Marguerite LE 3000 #32399, Sunflowers LE 3000 #32400
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