PP22917 WDW - Figment - Journey Through Time Pin Event 2003
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
- Limited Edition: LE 2000
- Year on Pin / Released: 2003
- SKU: 4 00109 70830 0
- Original Price: $8.50
- Owns: 83
- Wanting: 49
- Trading: 14
Front Description
This pin is one of a series of pins released during Disney's Journey Through Time Event at Epcot. There will be pins of attractions from the past. Figment is featured here watching a movie screen that has some home movies of him when he was a baby. The movie screen has sparkly glitter on it. This pin is also known as the Figlet pin. The figlet is recently hatched as there is egg shell around the baby. Artist: Keri Murphy Pins included in this series are: #22915, #22916, #22917, #22918, #22919, #22920, #22921, #22922, #22923, #22924, #22925, #22926, #23164, #23165, #23166, #23167, #23312.
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