PP22711 DLRP - Character (Mushu)
Pin Stats
- Origin: DLP - Disneyland Paris (DLRP)
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2003
- SKU: 2076310030318
- Original Price: 6.00 Euros
- Owns: 44
- Wanting: 27
- Trading: 7
Front Description
Character - Mushu This is a pin from the Character series of pins to be released in DLRP on June 7th 2003. The pin features Mushu the dragon from Mulan back on a DLRP pin after his appearance on the Chinese New Year pin back in January 2003. He is looking very cool as he strokes his whiskars with his name written in the Chinese style of the movie below him. There is also Chinese writing (presumeably "Mushu" in Chinese). Other pins in this series include: #22709, #22710, #22711, and #22712.
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