PP22480 WDW - Mickey Mouse Toontown - Mickey Throws A Party - Mickey's Toontown of Pin Trading Event - Big Party Box Set
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
- Limited Edition: LE 1000
- Year on Pin / Released: 2003
- SKU:
- Original Price: Gift for attending
- Owns: 24
- Wanting: 5
- Trading: 7
Front Description
This LE (Limited Edition) pin shows Mickey holding up a sign that reads: "To Mickey's Toontown Pin Trading Event." This pin is 1 of the 5 pin commemorative set from Mickey’s Toontown Pin Trading Event at Walt Disney World (21241). The other individual pins from this commemorative set are: 22478, 22479, 22481, and 22482.
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