PP20588 Boss Hopper - Bug's Life
Pin Stats
- Origin: Multiple
- Limited Edition: Undefined
- Year on Pin / Released: Unknown
- SKU:
- Original Price: $
- Owns: 2
- Wanting: 6
- Trading: 1
Front Description
This pin from Japan shows the upper torso of "Boss Hopper" from a Bug's Life. He looks pretty angry. He is brown/gold on a black background and appears to be within a shield-shape, with red outlining. Across the bottom of the shield is a rectangle outlined in gold with his name in red block style letters on a green background. This is a thin, shiny pin. The pin comes on a blue cardboard pin back that shows a plant in the background and a trademark leaf in the upper left hand corner which reads "a bug's life". At the bottom left of the card, the Disney copyright and the words "Disney/Pixar. In the right bottom corner of the card there are 3 blocked letters - "D C T". An unusual looking pin. I don't know much about it - I purchased it with a "lot" of other pins from the internet. There is another pin on Pinpics that appears to be from the same series, #9854 - Flit with Slingshot.
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