PP20297 Disney Catalog - Toy Story 2 Andy's Toy Box Boxed Set (Rex the Dinosaur)
Pin Stats
- Origin: DC - Disney Catalog
- Limited Edition: LE 2500
- Year on Pin / Released:
- SKU:
- Original Price:
- Owns: 7
- Wanting: 10
- Trading: 2
Front Description
Rex the T-Rex Dinosaur is part of a seven-pin limited edition Toy Story 2 boxed set (#17729) released through the Disney Catalog or Disneystore.com called "Andy's Toy Box." Rex stands facing left, arms together as if he was worrying, but with a smile on his face. He is green. The backstamp is, "© Disney, China." No edition size is marked on this, though the box description states it is limited edition 2500. Individual pins in the set include: (#20059), (#20060), (#20295), (#20296), (#20297), (#20298) and (#20299).
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