PP19588 WDW - Diablo, Smee, Goon Squad & Old Hag - Parti Gras 2003 - Framed Set
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
- Limited Edition: LE 50
- Year on Pin / Released: 2003
- SKU: 400109718774
- Original Price: $175 for Set
- Owns: 3
- Wanting: 13
- Trading: 1
Front Description
Diablo, Mr. Smee, a Goon Squad soldier and the Old Hag are all featured on this framed set from "Mickey's Parti Gras" pin event in February 2003. The Mark Seppala-designed set is entitled "The Villain's Crew." The background appears to be tents from the archery contest from Robin Hood. Snow White's Old Hag is mounted on top of a float that has Maleficent's head printed on the background at the float's front (she is NOT a pin), and the fiendish Lucifer cat from Cinderella on the rear portion. Streamers and confetti are on the ground and falling in the air. The Pins: Goon Squad Soldier - 81146 He faces forward and is all in shades of grey. He holds a staff in his right hand. Old Hag - 54897 The Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs witch faces left, arched backward. She is fully dressed in black and holds a flag on a brown flagpole. The flag is red with light and dark green checkerboard on the end; there appears to be a Mickey head on the red portion of the flag. Diablo from Sleeping Beauty, Maleficent's raven, flies to the left, its mouth open and wings fully open. Mr. Smee is the only one really getting into the party. Captain Hook's sidekick in Peter Pan faces forward, his head to the right some. He holds a set of red and a set of blue Parti Gras bead necklaces in his hands, and is dancing (his belly showing!).
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