PP19302 WDW - Cinderella, Jaq & Gus - Mickey's Super Star Trading Team 2003
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
- Limited Edition: LE 2500
- Year on Pin / Released: 2003
- SKU: 0010978180
- Original Price: $ $10.50
- Owns: 63
- Wanting: 37
- Trading: 13
Front Description
This limited edition pin on pin design released from WDW as part of Mickey's Super Trader Team features Cinderella welcoming her mice friends Jaq and Gus to Mickey's Super Star Trading Team. They're looking to trade a pin of Lady Tremaine, who is featured as a pin on pin. Lady Tremaine is holding her cat, Lucifer, on the pin Jaq and Gus, the mice, are giving to Cinderella. Pins in this series include: #19302, #19303, #19304, #19305.
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