PP19254 Plastic Winnie the Pooh holding a Heart
Pin Stats
- Origin:
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: early 1990's
- SKU: 015012264692
- Original Price: $2.50
- Owns: 5
- Wanting: 2
- Trading: 0
Front Description
This is a plastic pin of Pooh holding a pink heart. It was sold in Hallmark stores sometime in the 90's for Valentine's Day. It measures just under 2" tall. On the back: c DISNEY HMK CDS Size: 1 3/8" wide x 1 7/8" high Has clasp/straight back. The back of the card has the following info: "Mfd. for Hallmark Cards, Inc. ... Made in Sri Lanka, VLP1107"
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