PP19139 DLRP - Le Livre de la Jungle et Son Carnaval - Baloo (The Jungle Book Carnival)
Pin Stats
- Origin: DLP - Disneyland Paris (DLRP)
- Limited Edition: LE 2000
- Year on Pin / Released: 2003
- SKU: 2076310030127
- Original Price: 10.5 €
- Owns: 28
- Wanting: 5
- Trading: 8
Front Description
Baloo which préseznte the carnival which proceeds in Disneyland Resort Paris. It is written on the pin: "Le Livre De La Jungle et son Carnaval" (The Book Of the Jungle and its Carnival). This pin is very large(with 2 pinbacks). Please note this pin is gold in color (the scan makes the gold look black).
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