PP19083 Villains Shop - Cruella DeVille (Most Devilish Dognapper) 3D
Pin Stats
- Origin:
- Limited Edition: LE 1000
- Year on Pin / Released: 2003
- SKU: 400109782089
- Original Price: $10.50
- Owns: 34
- Wanting: 12
- Trading: 9
Front Description
Cruella DeVille, that most devilish dognapper, is a surprise pin spotted only in the Villain's Shop at the Disney-MGM Studios! This large oval pin features Cruella holding a puppy by the collar (pin on pin, puppy swings). The pin is trimmed in a red border that states: Cruella DeVille - Most Devilish Dognapper. Backstamped "Surprise Pin Limited Edition of 1000 c Disney Made in China".
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