PP165289 Industrial Light and Magic - Mandalorian Season 1 - Star Wars - ILM VFX Crew
Pin Stats
- Origin: Other
- Limited Edition: Other
- Year on Pin / Released: 2019
- SKU:
- Original Price: $ Gift
- Owns: 1
- Wanting: 5
- Trading: 2
Front Description
This pin was given to crew members that worked for Industrial Light & Magic (A subsidiary of the Walt Disney Company and Lucasfilm, Ltd.) on the special effects for the first season of the Star Wars TV Series "The Mandalorian". The pin shows the Mandalorian helmet in white, black and gray. At the bottom is written "The Mandalorian" in white, stylized like the headline text of the show with the silhouette of the Mandalorian in the middle of the second letter "A". Beneath this is written "Industrial Light & Magic".
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